SD Connect configuration “Workshop” mode. Setup connection.

SD Connect configuration “Workshop” mode, through a router.

As an example, was used router TP Link.

Connection via router (mode Workshop) is more reliable and sustainable compared to a direct WiFi connection (Road24h). The following is an example of mode settings “Workshop” using a router TP Link.

  1. Configuration Workshop mode for Windows XP.
  2. Configuration Workshop  mode for Windows 7.

1 . SD Connect configuration Workshop mode for Windows XP.

1.1. To configure the router as “access point” mode. The procedure is the same for the operating system Windows XP and Windows 7.

It must be connected between the laptop and the router using a lan cable. Custom lan adapter laptop as automatic get the IP address:

Go to admin panel of the router (see the user manual of your router). Next, type in the browser address bar, hit enter. A form appears enter the login and password for the admin panel, the default is “admin”, “admin”.

In the admin panel of the router, do the following:

The WAN (Internet) can be any because the router in this case not connected to the Internet:

Enter the network name (ssid). The name can be anything, by default, the multiplexer has a name “Workshop”. Enter in SSID “Workshop”.

In each check box do not forget to “save”.

Next, go to the tab security settings and fill the fields according to the screenshot:

Next, go to the tab DHCP Protocol dynamic host configuration. This Protocol allows network devices to automatically obtain an IP address. Note the checkbox “enable”.

After saving each settings the router will require a reboot. After the last save and reload the router configuration is completed.

1.2. Go to the configuration of the multiplexer SD Connect in the “Workshop”.

Connect the device to power supply and to the laptop via cable. Perform the LAN settings connections network connections/local area connection/properties/TCP/IP in accordance with screenshot:

Confirm all windows with “OK”:

Go to settings configuration multiplexer (“configuration”, confirm “Yes”, select the tab “MUX” and “register/configure”). Make settings according to the screenshot:

Confirm entered data and get the result, save the settings in this table:

After saving mode settings “Workshop” in the multiplexer there is the possibility change of  WLAN mode. This is done via the buttons on the device. The selected mode corresponds to the symbol on the instrument display:

Multiplexer (buttons on the device) must be set to the mode “Workshop”. The next time, the device will automatically

to enter the communication mode set at the last shutdown.

1.3. The final step is to configure the laptop to work in the “Workshop”.

Set the LAN settings of the laptop adapter to automatic obtain IP address. Click in the system tray SDnetControl, configuration window:

Next  go to the Configuration tab/Network. Set WiFi settings of the laptop adapter to automatic obtain IP address and the settings SSID “workshop”  according to the screenshot:

Save and go to the tab “Connections”. Here, in the right column should have the option of selecting the connection mode. Select “Workshop” and confirm “OK”.

It switches the connection mode to “Workshop”. If configured previously, the router is enabled, it will automatically connect to the router. Tray switch the connection symboll, and, if previously configured, the multiplexer is enabled, it will automatically determined by the system:

After completed all settings, setup WiFi connection automatically, regardless of the sequencing of the multiplexer, laptop and router.

2. SD Connect configuration Workshop  mode for Windows 7.

2.1. To configure the router as “access point” mode. The procedure is the same for the operating system Windows XP and Windows 7. (see above paragraph 1.1.)

2.2. Configuration multiplexer.

Connect the device to power supply and to the laptop via cable. Perform the LAN settings connections network connections/local area connection/properties/TCP/IP in accordance with screenshot:

Move in SDnetcontrol, “register/configure”:

Persistent settings made, the result obtained in the form of a table:

This configuration of multiplexer in “workshop” completed, the lan cable can be disconnected. The device automatically goes into pairing mode “Workshop”:

2.3. Configure the laptop to work in the “Workshop”.

Set the WiFi settings of the laptop adapter to automatic obtain IP address:

Next the standard laptop is connected to network “workshop”. Previously configured router must be enabled. Open the list of available WiFi networks, select the network “workshop”:

Click “connect”, enter the password of 26 characters (in our case 26), there is a connection:

The next time, the WiFi connection is established automatically, regardless of the sequence of switching equipment.